Joining us for the journey on the Daisy, Daisy, Tandem!

Follow our Daisy, Daisy Tandem!

Welcome and thank you for following the "Daisy, Daisy, Tandem" - you're now on the website of Daisy Vision Counselling and Coaching, a sponsor of the Daisy, Daisy Tandem Restoration Project!

It's great to be out and about 'on-our-bike' meeting so many people and being able to share about the "Daisy, Daisy Grief Cafe" and encourage those that may be struggling with mental health and generally raising awareness of the need to look after our mental health.

If you would like to know more about the Grief Support Group in Matlock, follow this link to our Daisy, Daisy, Grief Cafe Facebook Page.

If you're struggling with loss and don't know how to find a way to move forward, you can find out more about Grief Counselling by following the links in the menu above.

If you'd like to find out more about the "Daisy, Daisy Tandem" and our journey so far, follow this link to our Daisy, Daisy Tandem Restoration Project.

In the meantime, if you see us out and about on our tandem, please give us a wave, or come over and say hello, and even take your photo with the tandem, to share on social media.