Counselling on the phone is a warm, familiar way to receive therapy particularly for older people having Bereavement Counselling or people who are not used to using modern technology.
Talking on the phone is also my preferred way to introduce myself to you, and find out about how I can help you. I am happy to talk about the way counselling works, the costs involved and how to get started. I usually book initial sessions over the phone too and then confirm the booking by email (or the post if you don't use emails).
How does phone counselling work?
If you want to be helped over the phone I will make the call to you, at the time arranged. Your session will last for 60 minutes. I will make sure you know when the session is drawing to a close, so you don't have to worry about time but are free to talk.
How effective is counselling on the phone?
Although we're limited to what can be heard, therapy on the phone can be really effective. It also allows you to take the call in your favourite chair at home without having to leave the house or even in private from your room in a care home.
This can be reassuring if you have limited mobility as you don't have to travel anywhere to get help.
Please don't struggle alone - I'm good at listening and phone counselling can give you the opportunity you need to talk through your struggles if you don't want to try online counselling.
I recognise that life's problems can cause us to react in various ways - sometimes we are tempted to try burying our problems, and failing to recognise them, or deal with them, can then cause a build-up of emotions that often don't get addressed until we reach crisis point.
This is particularly the case with Grief - it is something we all have to deal with at some time and often comes as an awful shock. Initially we can feel numbness, anger or guilt, or extreme sadness. At the the same time as we're also forced to spring into life and make all make all sorts of arrangements if a loved one has passed away, and also make necessary life changes.
Grief is something that we have to deal with sooner or later, even though it's not easy to face. It helps if you've got someone you can talk to rather than avoiding your feelings, or bottling them up. This can be a problem if the person you'd usually confide in is also grieving or if they just can't talk about loss, but want to cheer you up instead, or if you live alone with nobody to talk to.
That's where Grief counselling can help - It means you don't have to cope alone. It means you can talk to someone about what you're really going through.